Mercy Corps, with funding from Linked Foundation, piloted and launched a micro-pharmacy program, Tiendas de la Salud (TISA) in Guatemala. From its inception to its acquisition, Greg sat on TISA's advisory board, advising on unit economics in particular. Today the micro-franchise network of 50 health stores supplies high-quality, low-cost medicines to 88,000 people in rural areas of Guatemala. Subsequently, a key private-sector partner - Farmacias de la Comunidad - committed to expanding TISA to an additional 500 stores in other rural areas of Guatemala that are expected to reach more than 450,000 people. Furthermore, the TISA model inspired a similar model in Mexico (details here).

Learn more in this 2014 Stanford Social Innovation Review article about TISA in Guatemala and what it teaches us about healthy exits for investors in social enterprise.