Oxford Policy Management - Case Study
In 2016, Starbird Consulting designed an urban primary healthcare clinic business model for Mozambique, including:
Clinic design
Rollout plan
Financial projections
HR considerations and profiles
Prepaid health plan design / considerations
Customer survey results and analysis
Obstacles and risks
Business design reflecting Intelligence gathered from local patients, healthcare providers, suppliers, government officials and others
This feasibility study was sponsored by Oxford Policy Management, a UK-based organization committed to helping low- and middle-income countries achieve growth and reduce poverty and disadvantage through public policy reform.
Greg Starbird was the lead, with substantial input from:
Denis Garand (Canadian actuary providing expert input into household survey results and microinsurance / prepaid health plan component);
Sergio Chicumbe (Mozambican medical doctor providing expert input into clinical, regulatory, and medico-social dynamics);
Gabriel Machado (Mozambican lead of a UK-govt-funded portfolio of business development / employment initiatives)
OPM was pleased with what we delivered. And to our knowledge, this is the first time such an intervention has been proposed and designed for Mozambique.